Sunday, 27 November 2016

191 McLeod, "The Mack"

No really, it's the pole not the building.
 191 McLeod (at Elgin) first appeared in the 1912 Might Directory, listed simply as the "Mackenzie Apartments," sans occupants. The next year, six tenants were listed. Residents of "The Mack" would have enjoyed streetcar service from Elgin into downtown, Rideau Street and the Market. On weekends, "the cars" would take day-trippers to Rockcliffe Park and Britannia Bay — and in winter, folks could cross the street to visit the recently opened Victoria Museum.

 Also, you got to say "I'm hangin' at the Mack."

 A modest 1½ storey house stood on this very spot before the Mackenzie was built. It faced onto Elgin and bore the number 410. In the same block, the Holbrook Apartments at 404 Elgin were built circa 1915-'16, taking the place of two 2½ storey houses — I don't think the Ontario Municipal Board even existed back then. In both cases, the demolished homes were likely the first "permanent" buildings on their respective sites. Oh the irony...

 Here's a picture of scrappy little 408 Elgin, hunkered down between the rear of the MacKenzie to the left and the Holbrook to the right. A nearly identical house once stood on the site of the Mack. The Holbrook displaced two such houses. The building on the corner of Gladstone (with the Mac's store) is original to its site.

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